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pioneer stage

  • 1 pioneer stage

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > pioneer stage

  • 2 pioneer stage

    English-russian biological dictionary > pioneer stage

  • 3 stage

    stage 1. стадия; период; фаза; этап; 2. столик (микроскопа)
    stage of latency латентный период, скрытый период
    abult stage имаго, фаза взрослого насекомого
    activation stage стадия актива ции
    ascigerous stage сумчатая стадия (грибов)
    assimilating stage фаза ассимиляции
    blooming stage фаза цветения
    bouquet stage стадия "букета"; особое петлеобразное расположение хромосом, встречающееся у некоторых организмов во время зиготенной и пахитенной стадий мейоза
    bud stage фаза бутонизации
    dead-ripe stage мёртвая спелость (семян); перестой, перезрелость (культуры)
    developmental stage стадия развития
    division stage стадия деления
    dough stage фаза восковой спелости
    embryonal stage эмбриональная стадия, зародышевая стадия
    excitement stage стадия возбуждения
    fixed stage неподвижный столик (микроскопа)
    flowering stage фаза цветения
    fruit ripening stage фаза созревания плодов
    fruiting stage стадия плодоношения
    germination stage стадия прорастания
    gonidial stage гонидиальная стадия
    growth stage стадия роста
    heading stage фаза колошения; фаза вымётывания
    herbaceous stage травянистая фаза
    incubative stage стадия инкубации
    leafing stage фаза распускания листьев
    limiting velocity stage скорость-лимитирующая стадия
    multiplicative stage стадия размножения
    multiplicative stage стадия размножения
    palmelloid stage пальмеллевидная стадия (водорослей)
    paniculation stage фаза колошения; фаза вымётывания
    phenological stage фенофаза, фенологическая фаза
    pioneer stage стадия зарастания обнажённого субстрата (почвы), инициальная стадия
    postconception stage стадия после зачатия
    preconceptive stage стадия, предшествующая зачатию
    pupal stage стадия куколки
    rate-limiting stage скорость-лимитирующая стадия
    resting stage стадия покоя
    resting stage стадия покоя, интерфаза
    seral stage начальная стадия климаксового сообщества
    sporulation stage стадия спорообразования
    stem extension stage стеблевание, стадия выхода в трубку
    stooling stage стеблевание, стадия выхода в трубку
    synaptic stage стадия зигонемы в мейозе
    terminal stage последняя стадия, конечная стадия
    tillering stage стадия кущения
    vegetative stage вегетативная стадия, стадия вегетативного развития
    warm stage нагревательный столик (микроскопа)

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > stage

  • 4 stage

    English-russian biological dictionary > stage

  • 5 Cody, Colonel Samuel Franklin

    SUBJECT AREA: Aerospace
    b. probably 6 March 1861 Texas, USA
    d. 7 August 1913 Farnborough, England
    American (naturalised British) aviation pioneer who made the first sustained aeroplane flight in Britain.
    "Colonel" Cody was one of the most colourful and controversial characters in aviation history. He dressed as a cowboy, frequently rode a horse, and appeared on the music-hall stage as a sharpshooter. Cody lived in England from 1896 and became a British subject in 1909. He wrote a melodrama, The Klondyke Nugget, which was first performed in 1898, with Cody as the villain and his wife as the heroine. It was a great success and Cody made enough money to indulge in his hobby of flying large kites. Several man-lifting kites were being developed in the mid-1890s, primarily for military observation purposes. Captain B.S.F. Baden-Powell built multiple hexagonal kites in England, while Lawrence Hargrave, in Australia, developed a very successful boxkite. Cody's man-lifting kites were so good that the British Government engaged him to supply kites, and act as an instructor with the Royal Engineers at the Balloon Factory, Farnborough. Cody's kites were rather like a box-kite with wings and, indeed, some were virtually tethered gliders. In 1905 a Royal Engineer reached a record height of 2,600 ft (790 m) in one of Cody's kites. While at Farnborough, Cody assisted with the construction of the experimental airship "British Army Dirigible No. 1", later known as Nulli Secundus. Cody was on board for the first flight in 1907. In the same year, Cody fitted an engine to one of his kites and it flew with no one on board; he also built a free-flying glider version. He went on to build a powered aeroplane with an Antoinette engine and on 16 October 1908 made a flight of 1,390 ft (424 m) at Farnborough; this was the first real flight in Britain. During the following years, Cody's large "Flying Cathedral" became a popular sight at aviation meetings, and in 1911 his "Cathedral" was the only British aeroplane to complete the course in the Circuit of Britain Contest. In 1912 Cody won the first British Military Aeroplane competition (a similar aeroplane is preserved by the Science Museum, London). Unfortunately, Cody and a passenger were killed when his latest aeroplane crashed at Farnborough in 1913; because Cody was such a popular figure at Farnborough, the tree to which he sometimes tethered his aeroplane was preserved as a memorial.
    Later, there was a great controversy over who the first person to make an aeroplane flight in Britain was, as A.V. Roe, Horatio Phillips and Cody had all made hops before October 1908; most historians, however, now accept that it was Cody. Cody's title of'Colonel' was unofficial, although it was used by King George V on one of several visits to see Cody's work.
    Cody gave a lecture to the (Royal) Aeronautical Society which was published in their
    Aeronautical Journal, London, January 1909.
    Further Reading
    P.B.Walker, 1971, Early Aviation at Farnborough, 2 vols, London (an authoritative source).
    A.Gould Lee, 1965, The Flying Cathedral, London (biography). G.A.Broomfield, 1953, Pioneer of the Air, Aldershot (a less-reliable biography).

    Biographical history of technology > Cody, Colonel Samuel Franklin

  • 6 Ferranti, Sebastian Ziani de

    b. 9 April 1864 Liverpool, England
    d. 13 January 1930 Zurich, Switzerland
    English manufacturing engineer and inventor, a pioneer and early advocate of high-voltage alternating-current electric-power systems.
    Ferranti, who had taken an interest in electrical and mechanical devices from an early age, was educated at St Augustine's College in Ramsgate and for a short time attended evening classes at University College, London. Rather than pursue an academic career, Ferranti, who had intense practical interests, found employment in 1881 with the Siemens Company (see Werner von Siemens) in their experimental department. There he had the opportunity to superintend the installation of electric-lighting plants in various parts of the country. Becoming acquainted with Alfred Thomson, an engineer, Ferranti entered into a short-lived partnership with him to manufacture the Ferranti alternator. This generator, with a unique zig-zag armature, had an efficiency exceeding that of all its rivals. Finding that Sir William Thomson had invented a similar machine, Ferranti formed a company with him to combine the inventions and produce the Ferranti- Thomson machine. For this the Hammond Electric Light and Power Company obtained the sole selling rights.
    In 1885 the Grosvenor Gallery Electricity Supply Corporation was having serious problems with its Gaulard and Gibbs series distribution system. Ferranti, when consulted, reviewed the design and recommended transformers connected across constant-potential mains. In the following year, at the age of 22, he was appointed Engineer to the company and introduced the pattern of electricity supply that was eventually adopted universally. Ambitious plans by Ferranti for London envisaged the location of a generating station of unprecedented size at Deptford, about eight miles (13 km) from the city, a departure from the previous practice of placing stations within the area to be supplied. For this venture the London Electricity Supply Corporation was formed. Ferranti's bold decision to bring the supply from Deptford at the hitherto unheard-of pressure of 10,000 volts required him to design suitable cables, transformers and generators. Ferranti planned generators with 10,000 hp (7,460 kW)engines, but these were abandoned at an advanced stage of construction. Financial difficulties were caused in part when a Board of Trade enquiry in 1889 reduced the area that the company was able to supply. In spite of this adverse situation the enterprise continued on a reduced scale. Leaving the London Electricity Supply Corporation in 1892, Ferranti again started his own business, manufacturing electrical plant. He conceived the use of wax-impregnated paper-insulated cables for high voltages, which formed a landmark in the history of cable development. This method of flexible-cable manufacture was used almost exclusively until synthetic materials became available. In 1892 Ferranti obtained a patent which set out the advantages to be gained by adopting sector-shaped conductors in multi-core cables. This was to be fundamental to the future design and development of such cables.
    A total of 176 patents were taken out by S.Z. de Ferranti. His varied and numerous inventions included a successful mercury-motor energy meter and improvements to textile-yarn produc-tion. A transmission-line phenomenon where the open-circuit voltage at the receiving end of a long line is greater than the sending voltage was named the Ferranti Effect after him.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    FRS 1927. President, Institution of Electrical Engineers 1910 and 1911. Institution of Electrical Engineers Faraday Medal 1924.
    18 July 1882, British patent no. 3,419 (Ferranti's first alternator).
    13 December 1892, British patent no. 22,923 (shaped conductors of multi-core cables). 1929, "Electricity in the service of man", Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 67: 125–30.
    Further Reading
    G.Z.de Ferranti and R. Ince, 1934, The Life and Letters of Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti, London.
    A.Ridding, 1964, S.Z.de Ferranti. Pioneer of Electric Power, London: Science Museum and HMSO (a concise biography).
    R.H.Parsons, 1939, Early Days of the Power Station Industry, Cambridge, pp. 21–41.

    Biographical history of technology > Ferranti, Sebastian Ziani de

  • 7 Seattle

    [sɪˊætl] г. Сиэтл, крупнейший город штата Вашингтон ( с пригородами ок. 1,5 млн. жителей). Расположен на берегу залива Пьюджет-Саунд, в прошлом веке был окружён лесами. С приходом в этот район белых поселенцев в 1850-х гг. началась массовая вырубка лесов. Лесорубы даже сровняли пару холмов, чтобы облегчить транспортировку леса на юг в сторону Сан-Франциско. На месте одного из таких холмов находится нынешний деловой центр Сиэтла — средоточие небоскрёбов из бетона и стекла. В Сиэтле улица, называемая теперь просто Ряд [Row], в прошлом была дорогой, по которой брёвна оттаскивали волоком на лесопилку. Сейчас по обеим её сторонам ночные клубы и дискотеки. Лесопереработка ( целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность) осталась, но теперь главной является авиаракетная промышленность — в Сиэтле и его пригородах находятся заводы компании «Боинг» [Boeing Co.]. У Сиэтла хороший глубоководный порт. В 1897 в порту пришвартовалось судно, шедшее рейсом из Аляски, на его борту была целая тонна золота, и город стал «золотым». Сиэтл стал одним из центров золотой лихорадки из-за близости к Аляске. Второй бум наступил в 1962, когда Сиэтл стал местом проведения Всемирной выставки, послужившей стимулом к культурному росту города. Был построен театрально-концертный комплекс, над городом вознеслась ввысь башня Спейс-Нидл/«Космическая игла» [Space Needle]. Театр Сиэтла имеет хорошую профессиональную труппу, симфонический оркестр — мирового класса, а опера Сиэтла, ежегодно заканчивающая сезон Вагнеровским фестивалем [Wagner Ring Festival] — одна из наиболее выдающихся. В спорте у Сиэтла также достижения: его баскетбольная команда «Суперсоникс» [‘Supersonics’] пользуется общенациональной известностью. Залив: Пьюджент-Саунд [Puget Sound]. Районы, улицы, площади: площадь Первопроходцев [Pioneer Square], улица Роу/Ряд [Row], Международный район [International District]. Комплексы, здания, памятники: Сиэтл-Сентер [*Seattle Center], Тихоокеанский научный центр [Pacific Science Center]. Музеи, памятные места: Музей истории и промышленности [Museum of History and Industry]. Художественные музеи, выставки: павильон Сиэтлского художественного музея [Seattle Art Museum Pavilion], Сиэтлский художественный музей [Seattle Art Museum], Художественный музей Фрая [Frye Art Museum], Галерея Фостера Уайта [Foster White Gallery]. Культурные центры, театры: Сиэтлский симфонический оркестр [Seattle Symphony], Сиэтлская опера [Seattle Opera Association], Сиэтлский репертуарный театр [Seattle Repertory Theater], Театр Бэгли Райта [Bagley Wright Theater], Театр «Вторая сцена» [Second Stage], Театр «Интиман» [Intiman], «Современный театр» [Contemporary Theater], Театр Пятой авеню [5th Avenue Theater], Театр «Парамаунт» [Paramount Theater], Театр «Свободное пространство» [Empty Space Theater]. Учебные заведения, научные центры: Вашингтонский университет [University of Washington], Сиэтлский университет [Seattle University], Тихоокеанский университет Сиэтла [Seattle Pacific University]. Периодические издания: «Сиэтл пост-интеллидженсер» [‘Seattle Post-Intelligencer’], «Сиэтл таймс» [‘Seattle Times’]. Парки, зоопарки: Приморский парк [Waterfront Park], питомник Вашингтонского университета [University of Washington Arboretum], Национальный парк «Гора Рейниер» [Mount Rainier National Park]. Спорт. команды: баскетбольная «Сверхзвуковые» [‘Supersonics’], футбольная «Морские ястребы» [‘Seahawks’], бейсбольная «Моряки» [‘Mariners’]. Магазины, рынки: Пайк-Плейс-Маркет [Pike Place Market]. Отели: «Уэстин-Сиэтл» [Westin Hotel Seattle], «Сорренто» [‘Sorrento’], «Четыре сезона — Олимпик» [‘Four Seasons — Olympic’]. Рестораны: «Мирабо» [‘Mirabeau’], «Канлис» [‘Canlis’]. Транспорт: монорельсовая дорога [Monorail]. Достопримечательности: паромная переправа через Пьюджент-Саунд [Pugent Sound Ferry Ride]. Фестивали, праздники: Сиэтлская морская ярмарка [Seattle Seafair]

    США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > Seattle

  • 8 Taylor, Ray

       Actor y empresario teatral antes de la Primera Gue rra Mundial, despues se convierte en ayudante de direccion para Fox, trabajando con John Ford. En los anos 20 pasa a Universal, donde empieza a dirigir primero cortometrajes y despues peliculas de serie B, sobre todo thrillers y seriales diversos. En el sonoro, al que se adapta aceptablemente, trabaja con intensidad. Es, sin duda, uno de los realizadores mas prolificos del genero; mas de 80 westerns avalan su trayectoria, ni mas ni menos destacada que la de otros muchos, aunque no le falta buen pulso narrativo las mas de las veces. Trabaja, inevitablemente, con actores populares, y tambien prolificos, de los anos 30 y, en menor medida, 40. Peliculas de una hora de duracion, aproximadamente, con argumentos poco elaborados, y algun serial, dirigido en solitario a comienzos del sonoro, y ya en colaboracion unos diez anos despues, constituyen la inmensa mayoria de una filmografia inabarcable.
        The One Way Trail (La senda de la venganza). 1931. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Columbia. Tim McCoy, Doris Hill, Polly Ann Young, Carroll Nye.
        Battling with Buffalo Bill. 1931. 217 minutos. 12 capitulos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Tom Tyler, Lucille Browne, Rex Bell, William Desmond.
        Heroes of the West. 1932. 210 minutos. 12 capitulos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Noah Beery, Jr., Julie Bishop, William Desmond, Onslow Stevens.
        Clancy of the Mounted. 1933. 225 minutos. 12 capitulos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Tom Tyler, Jacqueline Wells, William Desmond.
        Gordon of Ghost City. 1933. 220 minutos. 12 capitulos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Buck Jones, Madge Bellamy, Walter Miller.
        The Fighting Trooper. 1934. 61 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Ambassador. Kermit Maynard, Barbara Worth, LeRoy Mason.
        Outlawed Guns. 1935. 62 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Buck Jones, Ruth Channing, Roy D’Arcy, Joan Gale.
        The Roaring West. 1935. 255 minutos. 15 capitulos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Buck Jones, Muriel Evans, Walter Miller, Frank McGlynn.
        The Throwback (El hijo del cuatrero). 1935. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Buck Jones, Muriel Evans, George Hayes.
        The Ivory-Handled Gun (Exterminio). 1935. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Buck Jones, Charlotte Wynters, Walter Miller.
        Sunset of Power (El ocaso del poder). 1936. 66 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Buck Jones, Dorothy Dix, Charles B. Middleton.
        Silver Spurs (El desfiladero perdido). 1936. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Buck Jones, Muriel Evans, George Hayes.
        The Cowboy and the Kid (El vaquero y el huerfano). 1936. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Buck Jones, Dorothy Revier, Billy Burrud.
        The Phantom Rider. 1936. 258 minutos. 15 capitulos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Buck Jones, Marla Shelton, Diana Gibson, Harry Woods.
        The Three Mesquiteers. 1936. 61 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Robert Livingston, Ray Corrigan, Syd Saylor, Kay Hugues.
        The Vigilantes Are Coming (co-d.: Mack V. Wright). 1936. 229 minutos. 12 capitulos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Robert Livingston, Kay Hugues, Guinn Williams, Raymond Hatton.
        The Painted Stallion (co-d.: Alan James, William Witney). 1937. 212 minutos. 12 capitulos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Ray Corrigan, Hoot Gibson, LeRoy Mason, Duncan Renaldo, Julia Thayer.
        Drums of Destiny. 1937. 62 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Crescent. Tom Keene, Edna Lawrence, Robert Fiske.
        Raw Timber. 1937. 63 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Crescent. Tom Keene, Peggy Keys, Robert Fiske.
        The Mystery of the Hooded Horsemen (Jinetes enmascarados). 1937. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Grand National. Tex Ritter, Irish Meredith, Horace Murphy.
        Sudden Bill Dorn. 1937. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Buck Jones, Noel Francis, Evelyn Brent.
        Boss of Lonely Valley. 1937. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Buck Jones, Muriel Evans, Walter Miller.
        Tex Ritter with the Boy Scouts. 1938. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Grand National. Tex Ritter, Marjorie Reynolds, Snub Pollard.
        Hawaiian Buckaroo (La ultima emboscada). 1938. 62 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Principal/Fox. Smith Ballew, Evalyn Knapp, Benny Burt, Pat O’Brien.
        The Painted Stallion (co-d.: Alan James, William Witney). 1938. 67 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Ray Corrigan, Hoot Gibson, Jean Carmen.
        Frontier Town. 1938. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Grand National. Tex Ritter, Ann Evers, Snub Pollard.
        Rawhide. 1938. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Principal/Fox. Smith Ballew, Lou Gehrig, Evalyn Knapp.
        Flaming Frontiers (co-d.: Alan James). 1938. 15 capitulos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Johnny Mack Brown, Eleanor Hansen.
        Panamint’s Bad Man (Jugandose la vida). 1938. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Principal/Fox. Smith Ballew, Evelyn Daw, Noah Beery.
        Riders of Pasco Basin. 1940. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. John ny Mack Brown, Frances Robinson, Bob Baker, Fuzzy Knight.
        West of Carson City. 1940. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Johnny Mack Brown, Peggy Moran, Bob Baker, Fuzzy Knight.
        Bad Man from Red Butte. 1940. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Johnny Mack Brown, Anne Gwynne, Bob Baker, Fuzzy Knight.
        Winners of the West (co-d.: Ford Beebe). 1940. 247 minutos. 13 capitulos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Dick Foran, Anne Nagel.
        Ragtime Cowboy Joe. 1940. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Johnny Mack Brown, Nell O’Day, Lynn Merrick, Fuzzy Knight.
        Law and Order. 1940. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Johnny Mack Brown, Nell O’Day, Fuzzy Knight.
        Pony Post. 1940. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Johnny Mack Brown, Nell O’Day, Dorothy Short, Fuzzy Knight.
        Boss of Bullion City. 1941. 61 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Johnny Mack Brown, Nell O’Day, Maria Montez, Fuzzy Knight.
        Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie. 1941. 61 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Johnny Mack Brown, Nell O’Day, Kathryn Adams, Fuzzy Knight.
        Law of the Range. 1941. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Johnny Mack Brown, Nell O’Day, Elaine Morley, Fuzzy Knight.
        Riders of Death Valley (Los jinetes de la muerte) (co-d.: Ford Beebe). 1941. 283 minutos. 15 capitulos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Dick Foran, Leo Carrillo, Jeannie Kelly.
        Rawhide Rangers. 1941. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Johnny Mack Brown, Nell O’Day, Kathryn Adams, Fuzzy Knight.
        Man from Montana. 1941. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Johnny Mack Brown, Nell O’Day, Jeanne Kelly, Fuzzy Knight.
        Fighting Bill Fargo. 1941. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Johnny Mack Brown, Nell O’Day, Jeanne Kelly, Fuzzy Knight.
        Stagecoach Buckaroo. 1942. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Johnny Mack Brown, Nell O’Day, Anne Nagel, Fuzzy Knight.
        Cheyenne Roundup. 1943. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Johnny Mack Brown, Jennifer Holt, Tex Ritter, Fuzzy Knight.
        The Lone Star Trail. 1943. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Johnny Mack Brown, Jennifer Holt, Tex Ritter, Fuzzy Knight.
        Boss of Boomtown. 1944. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Rod Cameron, Tom Tyler, Vivian Austin, Fuzzy Knight.
        Raiders of Ghost City (co-d.: Lewis D. Collins). 1944. 225 minutos. 13 capitulos. Blanco y negro. Universal. Dennis Moore, Wanda McKay.
        The Royal Mounted Rides Again (co-d.: Lewis D. Collins). 1945. 221 minutos. 13 capitulos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. George Dolenz, Bill Kennedy, Milburn Stone.
        The Daltons Ride Again (Casta indomable). 1945. 70 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Alan Curtis, Kent Taylor, Martha O’Driscoll.
        The Scarlet Horseman (co-d.: Lewis D. Collins). 1946. 248 minutos. 13 capitulos. Blanco y negro. Universal. Peter Cookson, Janet Shaw.
        Wild Country. 1947. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Eddie Dean, Roscoe Ates, Peggy Wynne.
        Law of the Lash. 1947. 53 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Lash LaRue, Al St. John, Mary Scott
        Range Beyond the Blue. 1947. 53 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Eddie Dean, Roscoe Ates, Helen Mowery.
        The Michigan Kid (El chico de Michigan/Ninguno como el). 1947. 69 minutos. Cinecolor. Universal. Jon Hall, Rita Johnson, Victor McLaglen.
        West to Glory. 1947. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Eddie Dean, Roscoe Ates, Dolores Castle.
        Border Feud. 1947. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Lash LaRue, Al St. John, Gloria Marlen.
        Pioneer Justice. 1947. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Lash LaRue, Al St. John, Jennifer Holt.
        Ghost Town Renegades. 1947. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Lash LaRue, Al St. John, Jennifer Holt.
        The Vigilantes Return. 1947. 67 minutos. Cinecolor. Universal. Jon Hall, Margaret Lindsay, Paula Drew.
        Stage to Mesa City. 1947. 56 min. B y N. PRC. Lash LaRue, Al St. John.
        Black Hills. 1947. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Eddie Dean, Roscoe Ates, Shirley Patterson.
        Return of the Lash. 1947. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Lash LaRue, Al St. John, Mary Maynard.
        The Fighting Vigilantes. 1947. 61 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Lash LaRue, Al St. John, Jennifer Holt.
        Shadow Valley. 1947. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC-Eagle Lion. Eddie Dean, Roscoe Ates, Jennifer Holt.
        Cheyenne Takes Over. 1947. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Lash LaRue, Al St. John, Nancy Gates.
        Check Your Guns. 1948. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC-Eagle Lion. Eddie Dean, Roscoe Ates, Nancy Gates.
        Tornado Range. 1948. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC-Eagle Lion. Eddie Dean, Roscoe Ates, Jennifer Holt.
        The Westward Trail. 1948. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC-Eagle Lion. Eddie Dean, Roscoe Ates, Phyllis Planchard.
        The Hawk of Powder River. 1948. 54 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC-Eagle Lion. Eddie Dean, Roscoe Ates, Jennifer Holt.
        The Tioga Kid. 1948. 54 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC-Eagle Lion. Eddie Dean, Roscoe Ates, Jennifer Holt.
        Range Justice. 1948. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Johnny Mack Brown, Felice Ingersall, Max Terhune.
        The Return of Wildfire (Tierra de heroes). 1948. 83 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Screen Guild. Richard Arlen, Patricia Morison, Mary Beth Hugues.
        Dead Man’s Gold. 1948. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Screen Guild. Lash LaRue, Al St. John, Peggy Stewart.
        Mark of the Lash. 1948. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Screen Guild. Lash LaRue, Al St. John, Suzi Crandall.
        Gunning for Justice. 1948. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Johnny Mack Brown, Evelyn Finley, Max Terhune, Raymond Hatton.
        Hidden Danger. 1948. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Johnny Mack Brown, Christine Larsen, Max Terhune, Raymond Hatton.
        Frontier Revenge. 1948. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Screen Guild. Lash LaRue, Al St. John, Peggy Stewart.
        Outlaw Country. 1949. 66 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Screen Guild. Lash LaRue, Al St. John, Nancy Saunders.
        Crashing Thru. 1949. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Whip Wilson, Christine Larsen, Andy Clyde.
        Shadows of the West. 1949. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Whip Wilson, Reno Browne, Andy Clyde.
        Law of the West. 1949. 54 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Johnny Mack Brown, Gerry Patterson, Max Terhune.
        Son of Billy the Kid. 1949. 65 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Screen Guild. Lash LaRue, Al St. John, Marion Colby.
        Son of a Badman. 1949. 64 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Screen Guild. Lash LaRue, Al St. John, Noel Neill.
        West of El Dorado. 1949. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Johnny Mack Brown, Reno Browne, Max Terhune.

    English-Spanish dictionary of western films > Taylor, Ray

  • 9 first

    1. n первое
    2. n начало

    at first — сначала, сперва

    3. n степень бакалавра с отличием первого класса
    4. n муз. самый высокий голос или самая высокая партия
    5. n товар первого сорта, высшего качества
    6. n горн. лучшая кусковая руда; концентрат
    7. n место в первом классе

    who struck the first blow? — кто начал ?, кто первый ударил?

    the first speaker — первый выступающий, первый взявший слово

    first offender — преступник, совершивший первое преступление

    8. a первый по времени, самый ранний
    9. a первый, начальный

    first performance — первое представление, премьера

    10. a первый, пробный
    11. a первый, основной

    the first thing to do — первое, что надо сделать

    12. a первый попавшийся; первый представившийся; любой

    ask the first man you meet — спросите любого, кого вы встретите

    13. a первый, предварительный
    14. a первый, передний
    15. a первый, выдающийся, самый знаменитый
    16. a первосортный, самый лучший

    first string — лучшие игроки команды, первый состав

    17. a первый, ведущий
    18. adv сперва, сначала

    at first.сначала

    at first — сначала,

    in the first place — сначала; во-первых

    at the first go-of — вначале; сперва; при первой попытке

    19. adv впервые

    for the first time — в первый раз; впервые

    20. adv скорее, предпочтительно

    first aid — первая помощь; скорая помощь

    21. adv первым; в первую очередь

    to stand first — быть первым; быть в первых рядах

    he claimed the right to speak first — он требовал, чтобы ему первому дали слово

    ladies first! — проходите, пожалуйста!; сначала дамы!

    Синонимический ряд:
    1. basic (adj.) basic; fundamental; primary
    2. early (adj.) beginning; early; initial
    3. initially (adj.) initially; originally; primarily
    4. least (adj.) least; slightest; smallest
    5. original (adj.) anterior; beginning; earliest; incipient; initial; maiden; original; pioneer; prime; primeval
    6. paramount (adj.) paramount; preeminent; superior; supreme
    7. top (adj.) arch; capital; cardinal; champion; chief; dominant; foremost; greatest; head; headmost; inaugural; key; leading; main; major; outstanding; pre-eminent; premier; principal; top
    8. beginning (noun) beginning; commencement; outset; start
    9. firstly (other) firstly; initially
    Антонимический ряд:
    finish; last; latest; lowest; secondary; subordinate; subsequent; supplementary; ultimately; unimportant

    English-Russian base dictionary > first

  • 10 Chevenard, Pierre Antoine Jean Sylvestre

    SUBJECT AREA: Metallurgy
    b. 31 December 1888 Thizy, Rhône, France
    d. 15 August 1960 Fontenoy-aux-Roses, France
    French metallurgist, inventor of the alloys Elinvar and Platinite and of the method of strengthening nickel-chromium alloys by a precipitate ofNi3Al which provided the basis of all later super-alloy development.
    Soon after graduating from the Ecole des Mines at St-Etienne in 1910, Chevenard joined the Société de Commentry Fourchambault et Decazeville at their steelworks at Imphy, where he remained for the whole of his career. Imphy had for some years specialized in the production of nickel steels. From this venture emerged the first austenitic nickel-chromium steel, containing 6 per cent chromium and 22–4 per cent nickel and produced commercially in 1895. Most of the alloys required by Guillaume in his search for the low-expansion alloy Invar were made at Imphy. At the Imphy Research Laboratory, established in 1911, Chevenard conducted research into the development of specialized nickel-based alloys. His first success followed from an observation that some of the ferro-nickels were free from the low-temperature brittleness exhibited by conventional steels. To satisfy the technical requirements of Georges Claude, the French cryogenic pioneer, Chevenard was then able in 1912 to develop an alloy containing 55–60 per cent nickel, 1–3 per cent manganese and 0.2–0.4 per cent carbon. This was ductile down to −190°C, at which temperature carbon steel was very brittle.
    By 1916 Elinvar, a nickel-iron-chromium alloy with an elastic modulus that did not vary appreciably with changes in ambient temperature, had been identified. This found extensive use in horology and instrument manufacture, and even for the production of high-quality tuning forks. Another very popular alloy was Platinite, which had the same coefficient of thermal expansion as platinum and soda glass. It was used in considerable quantities by incandescent-lamp manufacturers for lead-in wires. Other materials developed by Chevenard at this stage to satisfy the requirements of the electrical industry included resistance alloys, base-metal thermocouple combinations, magnetically soft high-permeability alloys, and nickel-aluminium permanent magnet steels of very high coercivity which greatly improved the power and reliability of car magnetos. Thermostatic bimetals of all varieties soon became an important branch of manufacture at Imphy.
    During the remainder of his career at Imphy, Chevenard brilliantly elaborated the work on nickel-chromium-tungsten alloys to make stronger pressure vessels for the Haber and other chemical processes. Another famous alloy that he developed, ATV, contained 35 per cent nickel and 11 per cent chromium and was free from the problem of stress-induced cracking in steam that had hitherto inhibited the development of high-power steam turbines. Between 1912 and 1917, Chevenard recognized the harmful effects of traces of carbon on this type of alloy, and in the immediate postwar years he found efficient methods of scavenging the residual carbon by controlled additions of reactive metals. This led to the development of a range of stabilized austenitic stainless steels which were free from the problems of intercrystalline corrosion and weld decay that then caused so much difficulty to the manufacturers of chemical plant.
    Chevenard soon concluded that only the nickel-chromium system could provide a satisfactory basis for the subsequent development of high-temperature alloys. The first published reference to the strengthening of such materials by additions of aluminium and/or titanium occurs in his UK patent of 1929. This strengthening approach was adopted in the later wartime development in Britain of the Nimonic series of alloys, all of which depended for their high-temperature strength upon the precipitated compound Ni3Al.
    In 1936 he was studying the effect of what is now known as "thermal fatigue", which contributes to the eventual failure of both gas and steam turbines. He then published details of equipment for assessing the susceptibility of nickel-chromium alloys to this type of breakdown by a process of repeated quenching. Around this time he began to make systematic use of the thermo-gravimetrie balance for high-temperature oxidation studies.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    President, Société de Physique. Commandeur de la Légion d'honneur.
    1929, Analyse dilatométrique des matériaux, with a preface be C.E.Guillaume, Paris: Dunod (still regarded as the definitive work on this subject).
    The Dictionary of Scientific Biography lists around thirty of his more important publications between 1914 and 1943.
    Further Reading
    "Chevenard, a great French metallurgist", 1960, Acier Fins (Spec.) 36:92–100.
    L.Valluz, 1961, "Notice sur les travaux de Pierre Chevenard, 1888–1960", Paris: Institut de France, Académie des Sciences.

    Biographical history of technology > Chevenard, Pierre Antoine Jean Sylvestre

  • 11 Junghans, Siegfried

    SUBJECT AREA: Metallurgy
    b. 1887
    d. 1954
    German pioneer of the continuous casting of metals.
    Junghans was of the family that owned Gebrüder Junghans, one of the largest firms in the German watch-and clockmaking industry. From 1906 to 1918 he served in the German Army, after which he took a course in metallurgy and analytical chemistry at the Technical High School in Stuttgart. Junghans was then given control of the brassworks owned by his family. He wanted to make castings simply and cheaply, but he found that he lacked the normal foundry equipment. By 1927, formulating his ideas on continuous casting, he had conceived a way of overcoming this deficiency and began experiments. By the time the firm was taken over by Wieland-Werke AG in 1931, Junghans had achieved positive results. A test plant was erected in 1932, and commercial production of continuously cast metal followed the year after. Wieland told Junghans that a brassfounder who had come up through the trade would never have hit on the idea: it took an outsider like Junghans to do it. He was made Technical Director of Wielands but left in 1935 to work privately on the development of continuous casting for all metals. He was able to license the process for non-ferrous metals during 1936–9 in Germany and other countries, but the Second World War interrupted his work; however, the German government supported him and a production plant was built. In 1948 he was able to resume work on the continuous casting of steel, which he had been considering since 1936. He pushed on in spite of financial difficulties and produced the first steel by this process at Schorndorf in March 1949. From 1950 he made agreements with four firms to work towards the pilot plant stage, and this was achieved in 1954 at Mannesmann's Huckingen works. The aim of continuous casting is to bypass the conventional processes of casting molten steel into ingots, reheating the ingots and shaping them by rolling them in a large mill. Essentially, in continuous casting, molten steel is drawn through the bottom of a ladle and down through a water-cooled copper mould. The unique feature of Junghans's process was the vertically reciprocating mould, which prevented the molten metal sticking as it passed through. A continuous length of steel is taken off and cooled until it is completely solidified into the required shape. The idea of continuous casting can be traced back to Bessemer, and although others tried to apply it later, they did not have any success. It was Junghans who, more than anybody, made the process a reality.
    Further Reading
    K.Sperth and A.Bungeroth, 1953, "The Junghans method of continuous casting of steel", Metal Treatment and Drop Forging, Mayn.
    J.Jewkes et al., 1969, The Sources of Invention, 2nd edn, London: Macmillan, pp. 287 ff.

    Biographical history of technology > Junghans, Siegfried

  • 12 Korolov (Korolyev), Sergei Pavlovich

    SUBJECT AREA: Aerospace
    b. 12 January 1907 (30 December 1906 Old Style) Zhitomir, Ukraine
    d. 14 January 1966 Moscow, Russia
    Russian engineer and designer of air-and spacecraft.
    His early life was spent in the Ukraine and he then studied at Tupolev's aeroplane institute in Moscow. In the mid-1930s, just before his thirtieth birthday, he joined the GIRD (Group Studying Rocket Propulsion) under Frederick Zander, a Latvian engineer, while earning a living designing aircraft in Tupolev's bureau. In 1934 he visited Konstantin Tsiolovsky. Soon after this, under the Soviet Armaments Minister, Mikhail N.Tukhachevsky, who was in favour of rocket weapons, financial support was available for the GIRD and Korolov was appointed General-Engineer (1-star) in the Soviet Army. In June 1937 the Armaments Minister and his whole staff were arrested under Stalin, but Korolov was saved by Tupolev and sent to a sharaska, or prison, near Moscow where he worked for four years on rocket-and jet-propelled aircraft, among other things. In 1946 he went with his superior, Valentin Glushko, to Germany where he watched the British test-firing of possibly three V-2s at Altenwaide, near Cuxhaven, in "Operation Backfire". They were not allowed within the wire enclosure. He remained in Germany to supervise the shipment of V-2 equipment and staff to Russia (it is possible that he underwent a second term of imprisonment from 1948), the Germans having been arrested in October 1946. He kept working in Russia until 1950 or the following year. He supervised the first Russian ballistic missile, R-1, in late 1947. Stalin died in 1953 and Korolov was rehabilitated, but freedom under Nikita Kruschev was almost as restrictive as imprisonment under Stalin. Kruschev would only refer to him as "the Chief Designer", never naming him, and would not let him go abroad or correspond with other rocket experts in the USA or Germany. Anything he published could only be under the name "Sergeyev". He continued to work on his R-7 without the approval that he sought for a satellite project. This was known as semyorka, or "old number seven". In January 1959 he added a booster stage to semyorka. He may have suffered confinement in the infamous Kolyma Gulag around this time. He designed all the Sputnik, Vostok and some of the Voshkod units and worked on the Proton space booster. In 1966 he underwent surgery performed by Dr Boris Petrovsky, then Soviet Minister of Health, for the removal, it is said, of tumours of the colon. In spite of the assistance of Dr Aleksandr Vishaevsky he bled to death on the operating table. The first moon landing (by robot) took place three weeks after his death and the first flight of the new Soyuz spacecraft a little later.
    Further Reading
    Y.Golanov, 1975, Sergey Korolev. The Appren-ticeship of a Space Pioneer, Moscow: Mir.
    A.Romanov, 1976, Spacecraft Designers, Moscow: Novosti Press Agency. J.E.Oberg, 1981, Red Star in Orbit, New York: Random House.

    Biographical history of technology > Korolov (Korolyev), Sergei Pavlovich

  • 13 Maxim, Sir Hiram Stevens

    b. 5 February 1840 Brockway's Mills, Maine, USA
    d. 24 November 1916 Streatham, London, England
    American (naturalized British) inventor; designer of the first fully automatic machine gun and of an experimental steam-powered aircraft.
    Maxim was born the son of a pioneer farmer who later became a wood turner. Young Maxim was first apprenticed to a carriage maker and then embarked on a succession of jobs before joining his uncle in his engineering firm in Massachusetts in 1864. As a young man he gained a reputation as a boxer, but it was his uncle who first identified and encouraged Hiram's latent talent for invention.
    It was not, however, until 1878, when Maxim joined the first electric-light company to be established in the USA, as its Chief Engineer, that he began to make a name for himself. He developed an improved light filament and his electric pressure regulator not only won a prize at the first International Electrical Exhibition, held in Paris in 1881, but also resulted in his being made a Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur. While in Europe he was advised that weapons development was a more lucrative field than electricity; consequently, he moved to England and established a small laboratory at Hatton Garden, London. He began by investigating improvements to the Gatling gun in order to produce a weapon with a faster rate of fire and which was more accurate. In 1883, by adapting a Winchester carbine, he successfully produced a semi-automatic weapon, which used the recoil to cock the gun automatically after firing. The following year he took this concept a stage further and produced a fully automatic belt-fed weapon. The recoil drove barrel and breechblock to the vent. The barrel then halted, while the breechblock, now unlocked from the former, continued rearwards, extracting the spent case and recocking the firing mechanism. The return spring, which it had been compressing, then drove the breechblock forward again, chambering the next round, which had been fed from the belt, as it did so. Keeping the trigger pressed enabled the gun to continue firing until the belt was expended. The Maxim gun, as it became known, was adopted by almost every army within the decade, and was to remain in service for nearly fifty years. Maxim himself joined forces with the large British armaments firm of Vickers, and the Vickers machine gun, which served the British Army during two world wars, was merely a refined version of the Maxim gun.
    Maxim's interests continued to occupy several fields of technology, including flight. In 1891 he took out a patent for a steam-powered aeroplane fitted with a pendulous gyroscopic stabilizer which would maintain the pitch of the aeroplane at any desired inclination (basically, a simple autopilot). Maxim decided to test the relationship between power, thrust and lift before moving on to stability and control. He designed a lightweight steam-engine which developed 180 hp (135 kW) and drove a propeller measuring 17 ft 10 in. (5.44 m) in diameter. He fitted two of these engines into his huge flying machine testrig, which needed a wing span of 104 ft (31.7 m) to generate enough lift to overcome a total weight of 4 tons. The machine was not designed for free flight, but ran on one set of rails with a second set to prevent it rising more than about 2 ft (61 cm). At Baldwyn's Park in Kent on 31 July 1894 the huge machine, carrying Maxim and his crew, reached a speed of 42 mph (67.6 km/h) and lifted off its rails. Unfortunately, one of the restraining axles broke and the machine was extensively damaged. Although it was subsequently repaired and further trials carried out, these experiments were very expensive. Maxim eventually abandoned the flying machine and did not develop his idea for a stabilizer, turning instead to other projects. At the age of almost 70 he returned to the problems of flight and designed a biplane with a petrol engine: it was built in 1910 but never left the ground.
    In all, Maxim registered 122 US and 149 British patents on objects ranging from mousetraps to automatic spindles. Included among them was a 1901 patent for a foot-operated suction cleaner. In 1900 he became a British subject and he was knighted the following year. He remained a larger-than-life figure, both physically and in character, until the end of his life.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur 1881. Knighted 1901.
    1908, Natural and Artificial Flight, London. 1915, My Life, London: Methuen (autobiography).
    Further Reading
    Obituary, 1916, Engineer (1 December).
    Obituary, 1916, Engineering (1 December).
    P.F.Mottelay, 1920, The Life and Work of Sir Hiram Maxim, London and New York: John Lane.
    Dictionary of National Biography, 1912–1921, 1927, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    CM / JDS

    Biographical history of technology > Maxim, Sir Hiram Stevens

  • 14 Metcalf, John

    b. 1717 Knaresborough, Yorkshire, England d. 1810
    English pioneer road builder.
    The son of poor working parents, at the age of 6 an attack of smallpox left him blind; however, this did not restrict his future activities, which included swimming and riding. He learned the violin and was much employed as the fiddle-player at country parties. He saved enough money to buy a horse on which he hunted. He took part in bowls, wrestling and boxing, being a robust six foot two inches tall. He rode to Whitby and went thence by boat to London and made other trips to York, Reading and Windsor. In 1740 Colonel Liddell offered him a seat in his coach from London to Harrogate, but he declined and got there more quickly on foot. He set up a one-horse chaise and a four-wheeler for hire in Harrogate, but the local innkeepers set up in competition in the public hire business. He went into the fish business, buying at the coast and selling in Leeds and other towns, but made little profit so he took up his violin again. During the rebellion of 1745 he recruited for Colonel Thornton and served to fight at Hexham, Newcastle and Falkirk, returning home after the Battle of Culloden. He then started travelling between Yorkshire, where be bought cotton and worsted stockings, and Aberdeen, where he sold horses. He set up a twice-weekly service of stage wagons between Knaresborough and York.
    In 1765 an Act was passed for a turnpike road between Harrogate and Boroughbridge and he offered to build the Master Surveyor, a Mr Ostler, three miles (5 km) of road between Minskip and Fearnly, selling his wagons and his interest in the carrying business. The road was built satisfactorily and on time. He then quoted for a bridge at Boroughbridge and for a turnpike road between Knaresborough and Harrogate. He built many other roads, always doing the survey of the route on his own. The roads crossed bogs on a base of ling and furze. Many of his roads outside Yorkshire were in Lancashire, Cheshire and Derbyshire. In all he built some 180 miles (290 km) of road, for which he was paid some £65,000.
    He worked for thirty years on road building, retiring in old age to a cotton business in Stockport where he had six spinning jennies and a carding engine; however, he found there was little profit in this so he gave the machinery to his son-in-law. The last road he built was from Haslington to Accrington, but due to the rise in labour costs brought about by the demand from the canal boom, he only made £40 profit on a £3,000 contract; the road was completed in 1792, when he retired to his farm at Spofforth at the age of 75. There he died, leaving a wife, four children, twenty grandchildren and ninety greatgrandchildren. His wife was the daughter of the landlord of the Granby Inn, Knaresborough.
    Further Reading
    S.Smiles, Lives of the Engineers, Metcalfe, Telford: John Murray.

    Biographical history of technology > Metcalf, John

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